We can do various maintenance and replacement parts : Overhaul Steam Boilers, Chimneys, WWTP, Pumps, Compressors, Heat Exchange, Conveyors, AHU, and All types of Process Machines according to the needs of our costumers. Our team is ready to do the jobs in a fast time so it does not interfere with the production process. Good preparation, Good Coordination & hard work make the work finished according to the schedule and satisfactory quality.

The ISO 9001:2015 for management system that we obtained in 2013 for the construction sector is a proof our seriousness in improofing the best service to our Client.
Sistem managemen ISO 9001:2015 yang kami dapatkan pada tahun 2013 untuk bidang konstruksi merupakan bukti keseriusan kami dalam meningkatkan pelayanan terbaik terhadap Klien kami.